Bicep & Tricep Workout 1306

Bicep & Tricep Workout

Complete arm workout. Works the biceps short head and long head with the triceps lateral head, medial head and long head.

Welcome to our empowering arm workout designed specifically for women over 40! 💪

✨ This routine is perfect for building strength, boosting confidence, and feeling great in the gym. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your fitness journey, these exercises will help you achieve toned and strong arms.

Exercise Sets Reps Equipment
DB Bicep Curl 3 10 Dumbbell
Tricep Pushdown - Bar 3 10 Bar
Cable Curl 3 10 Cable/Bar Attachment
Tricep V-Bar Pushdown 3 10 Cable/V-Bar Attachment
EZ Bar Curl 3 10 EZ Bar
EZ Bar Skull Crush 3 10 EZ Bar
Concentration Curl 3 10 Dumbbell

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