Hybrid Training

Hybrid Training

Get the best of both worlds! Online Training combined with occasional one to one sessions.

Personalized Workouts

After your consultation I will design a workout, which will be based on your ability and goals.

I will also take into account how many times each week you would like to work out and where your workouts will take place.

Home workout plans will be based around the equipment available.

All workouts will be in PDF format which can be easily viewed on your device or printed. Each exercise will have a demo link for guidance.

One to One Sessions

As part of the hybrid training, majority of your workouts will be done in your own time, however there will be the opportunity for you to drop in for a one to one session monthly.

Fitness Program

A downloadable fitness program, most suited to you, to begin your journey.

Fitness programs include information such as

  • Lifestyle advice
  • Help with nutrition
  • Calorie and macro calculator
  • Supplement Guide
  • Training planner
  • Extra workouts

Weekly Check Ins

With a weekly video time catch up to talk about progressions and to keep you on track.

This is support call so this is the time to ask any questions you have about the program.

Body Analysis

Available to kickstart your health and fitness journey is a full body analysis.

This will consist of body measurements taken and cailper readings, complete with the results of the InBody scales which gives you full body composition and allows the data to be stored on your own phone.

Track your progress accurately.

Interested in Hybrid Training?

Please fill in the consultation form to get started.

Consultation Form
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