Leg & Glute Workout 1211

Leg & Glute Workout 1211

Leg & Glute workout. Can be done as a lower body split or part of a full body workout. Specifically designed to enhance glute growth and build leg muscles equally for overall leg tone and definition.

Exercise Sets Reps Equipment
Barbell Squat Steps 3 10 Barbell
Goblet Squats 3 10 Dumbbell
Reverse Lunge 3 10 Dumbbell
Cable Step Ups 3 10 Cable/Handle
Leg Extension 3 10 Cable/Ankle Cuff
Lateral Leg Lift 3 10 Cable/Ankle Cuff

Lower body workout to assist with glute growth, fat loss and overall fitness performance. Gym based workout, build muscle and start moving better.

Can be used as a lower body workout or part of a full body split.

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